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Numeracy Passport

Welcome to the Numeracy Passport support page. The emphasis of the passport scheme is on the child having instant recall of key number facts. This will give your child the very best foundation on which they can build and apply their other maths skills. The maths passports start in Reception and work through, all the way up to year 6.

Each target/test is based on key mathematical concepts which are essential for everyday success in maths, and correspond to the National Curriculum. Each objective in the passport is assessed separately, before a final test involving a mixture of questions from the whole passport. The UK passport is not a test, but will be done using number cards, practically with an adult.

Each child has a Passport where they can record their results and if they achieve 100% on their test, they will move to the next stage until they have completed that area of the world. Please see the table below, which details each area/continent and the mathematical concepts covered.  

Whether your child achieves their next award or just improves on their previous score, we are proud of their efforts in practising for these awards - mental maths is such a key part in developing the children’s fluency in mathematics.

To support this learning at home, dedicated homework tasks will be sent and practice tests are available below to help support your child's numeracy passport journey. 

There are many resources available online that will encourage and support the children in learning these number facts, such as-

  • TopMarks Website
  • Timetables Rock stars
  • BBC games
  • ICT games

Numeracy Passport





  1. Recognise written numbers to 20
  2. Order numbers to 20

Not timed




  1. Say one more or one less than any number to 20
  2. Recall number bonds to 10
  3. Add a one digit number to a one digit number
  4. Subtract a one digit number from  a one digit number
  5. Mixed test of the above

2 minutes

20 questions




  1. One more or one less than any number to 100
  2. Number bonds to 20 including the related subtraction facts
  3. Add a one digit number to a two digit number 
  4. Subtract a one digit number from a two digit number
  5. Mixed test of the above 

2 minutes

20 questions




  1. Know the 2 times tables up to 2 x 12 and the related division facts
  2. Know the 10 times tables up to 10 x 12 and the related division facts
  3. Know the 5 times tables up to 5 x 12 and the related division facts
  4. Mixed test of the above

2 minutes

20 questions





  1. Recall number bonds to 100
  2. Know the 3 times tables up to 3 x 12 and the related division facts
  3. Know the 4 times tables up to 4 x 12 and the related division facts
  4. Know the 8 times tables up to 8 x 12 and the related division facts
  5. Mixed test of the above

2 minutes

20 questions




  1. Know the 6 times tables up to 6 x 12 and the related division facts
  2. Know the 9 times tables up to 9 x 12 and the related division facts
  3. Mixed test of the above


30 questions


North America


  1. Know the 11 times tables up to 11 x 12 and the related division fact
  2. Know the 7 times tables up to 7 x 12 and the related division facts
  3. Know the 12 times tables up to 12 x 12 and the related division facts
  4. Mixed test of the above

3 minutes

30 questions


South America


  1. Use x and ÷ by 10 and 100 to solve related multiplication facts. E.g. 3x4 = 12, 30x4 = 120 , 0.3x4 = 1.2
  2. To apply x and ÷ knowledge to find fractions of amounts. (Numerator is 1) 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/5, 1/10, 1/3 etc.
  3. To apply x and ÷ knowledge to find fractions of amounts. (Any numerator) 3/4, 5/8, 2/5, 4/10, 2/3 etc.
  4. Know by heart the square and square root of all numbers to 12.
  5. Find % of amounts. Any multiple of 5. 20%, 35%, 5% etc.
  6. Mixed test of the above

3 minutes

30 questions