Our Church
Our relationship with the Church.
Being a Church School provides an additional and important dimension to our life in school and is intrinsic in our philosophy and culture. We pride ourselves on our Christian family ethos - it is a distinctive characteristic of school life. Staff subscribe to, and model our values, and the children are rewarded for displaying those values.
Miss Evans meets with the Worship Council to discuss how we can make our collective worship exciting, fresh and meaningful. The best ideas come from the children!
Over the last five years, we have developed as a Church school through children’s involvement in writing and sharing prayers and through special times of worship. For example, on Armistice Day, we hold whole school collective worship in the school grounds and plant a fruit tree of remembrance - this has become an important part of our calendar.
We very much value opportunities to join with the other schools in the local area for events such as the “Journey to the Stable” from which our Year 2 children gain so much. It has been wonderful that we have been able to take advantage of this activity.
Our older children enjoy leading a school Carol Service at St. Cuthbert’s at Christmas and also participating in the Christingle at St. Michael and All Angels with Reverend Nick Parker. Our younger children also love taking part in the Nativity at Christmas.
Reverend Nick has also provided school with a Christmas tree for which the children have made decorations for the Christmas Tree Festival at Maxstoke, and he led Christian Aid week at school which we feel is so important for us to support as a Church School.
Unfortunately, we are geographically separated from our church buildings, but we have been able to make study visits to St. Cuthbert’s and St. Giles’s. We all thoroughly enjoy and appreciate these opportunities.
Our children are fortunate enough to live in an area of great beauty, and this offers many opportunities for spiritual reflection and appreciation, awe and wonder at the world God has created. Several of our families have lived in the locality for many generations, and as a school we feel that we aim to harness the children’s interest and enthusiasm, and help them to develop spiritually as caring and compassionate citizens of the future.