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Helping your child with Maths at home

It is widely recognised that parents and carers play a vital role in helping their children to achieve success at school. 

This handbook has been written to give you an insight into the mathematics your child will learn at Shustoke C of E Primary School.  It aims to provide useful information and ideas of how you can help your child at home to support their mathematical learning.

The mathematics work your child does at school may look different to the kind of work you remember from when you were at school. Children are encouraged to work mentally where possible, using personal jottings to support their thinking.  The written methods many adults learned ‘by heart’ will be introduced once children have a good basic understanding.

The first part of the booklet shows the stages your child will go through when learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers. It will explain key methods used and share some of the vocabulary your children will be using in relation to their learning.

The second part of the booklet shows some of the key learning points within fractions, geometry (shape), measure and statistics (handling data).

The final part of the booklet gives suggestions of activities you could try at home. It is likely that you are already doing lots of things at home that are helping your child’s mathematical development. 

A glossary of terms has been added to help you familiarise yourself with the language and images that your children will be using on a day to day basis.

We hope this booklet is useful to you.